We are using this page on behalf of Barry to process any online donations to Willen Hospice. Please scroll down to the purple Donate button.
Barry spent the last 16 days of his life in Willen Hospice surrounded by staff, family and friends with respect and great care in adundance.
After accomodating dozens of visitors and allowing the Quigley family to live there rent free for the duration Baz thought it only fair to pick them to be his charity of choice.
Any donation however big or small is always appreciated and it is a tremendous cause.
Rest in Peace Baz x
Please feel free to post a message, add a photo, leave your name or post/donate anonymously.
I will always remember you with such fond memories and laughter. You were a wonderful friend and a beautiful soul. Fly high Baz 🙏🏻 love always Tracey
Barry was the kindest person I knew , he always had time for everyone ,put smiles on their faces , was the life and soul of every room . He will be greatly missed x
Just replacing the tea bags the Quigley’s cleaned out!
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